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633 |
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42751 |
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Kosovo -Serbia clashes over the cadastral records
On 9 April, 2021, Radio Free Europe, headquartered in Prague, Czech Republic, published an article with the title: Kosovo -Serbia clashes over the cadastral records.
In this article you can also find the statement of the Director of the Executive Secretariat of the Kosovo Property Comparison and Verification Agency, Mr. Naser Shala, regarding the return of cadastral documents taken from Kosovo by Serbia during 1998-1999.
The full text article is available at the link below:
![](http://www.kpaonline.org/CMS/uploads/) |
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Eviction Forecast |
Today's date
27-12-2024 |
KPA plan its evictions in collaboration with law enforcement agencies and makes weekly forecasts. By clicking the date below, you will access the municipal break down of the evictions planed for that week: |